JAN ROZMAN // Digital 1.5

Študija / instalacija


Projekt digital 1.5 je serija petih uprizoritvenih dogodkov, ki raziskujejo dotik. Vsak dogodek je samostojen poizkus haptičnega branja sveta z digitalnim razumevanjem telesnosti in praksa medsebojne bližine ter sobivanja objektov, v katero so povabljeni gledalci. Izbrana skupina teles vzpostavlja dotik z drugimi telesi v prostoru – s telesi performerjev, s telesom prostora, z zvočnim telesom in telesi tehnoloških objektov. Slednji so čedalje pomembnejši vmesnik našega vstopa v svet. digital 1.5 z njihovo uporabo preizprašuje mediatizacijo bližine in intimnosti, z aplikacijo trdne digitalne logike naprav in njihovega programja na mehka organska telesi ljudi pa špekulira o človeku, ki ni le vir informacij, temveč tudi naprava za obdelavo in hrambo podatkov.

Dotik v digital 1.5 je način sporazumevanja in sredstvo srečanja z drugim; je digitalizirani podatek in medij prenosa hkrati. Projekt se naslanja na idejo medija, kot jo v knjigi ‘The Ecology of Attention’ poda Y. Citton. Ta medije opiše kot difuzne ekosisteme, ki realnosti ne zgolj predstavljajo, ampak jo aktivno formirajo. Tako se oblikuje ‘infrastruktura resonanc, ki pogojujejo našo pozornost’ glede na ideje, ki nas ‘obkrožajo in napolnjujejo’. V tem oziru digital 1.5 ne išče glasne uprizoritvene geste ampak želi zagotoviti prostor vidnosti oziroma, v Cittonovem jeziku, okolje rezoniranja čedalje bolj marginaliziranim in v času pandemije transgresivnim praksam medsebojne bližine in dotikanja.


Umetniško vodstvo: Jan Rozman
Glasba: Luka Seliškar
Kostumografija: Tanja Pađan / Kiss the Future
Video dokumentacija: Juš Jeraj
Fotografija: Matija Lukić

Izvršna producentka: Brigita Gračner
Produkcija: Zavod Sploh

The project digital 1.5 is a series of five performative events exploring touch. Each event is an attempt to read and experience the world haptically, employing digital logic to approach the physicality and to practice intimacy with each other. The selected group of bodies establishes contact with other bodies in space – bodies of performers, the body of the space, the sound body and the bodies of technological objects. The latter are an increasingly important interface of our exchange with the world. Using them, digital 1.5 questions the mediatization of closeness. By applying the solid digital logic of the devices and their software to the soft organic bodies of people it speculates about humans, who are not only a source of information but also a device for processing and storing data.

Touch in digital 1.5 is a way of communicating and a tool for meeting the other; it is digitized data and a medium of transmission at the same time. The project builds on the idea of the medium as given by Y. Citton in his book ‘The Ecology of Attention’. Citton describes the media as diffuse ecosystems, which do not solely represent reality but actively shape it. Thus, an ‘infrastructure of resonances that condition our attention’ is formed according to the ideas that ‘surround and fill us’. In this respect digital 1.5 is not looking for a loud performative gesture but tends to establish a space of visibility, or in Citton’s language, an environment of resonance for the increasingly marginalized and during the pandemic also transgressive practices of closeness and touch.


Artistic direction: Jan Rozman
Music: Luka Seliškar
Costume design: Tanja Pađan / Kiss the Future
Video documentation: Juš Jeraj
Photo documentation: Matija Lukić

Executive producer: Brigita Gračner
Production: Zavod Sploh